Insight #01 - The Mind and Consciousness

Mind and Consciousness are often equated as the same thing. The mind, however, is an organism that functions to stream consciousness. It is limited by its factors, whereas, consciousness is not. Consciousness comes from Source itself. It is eternal, infinite, and beyond the parameters of the mind.

We have said it before that life is presence. This presence is Source consciousness. All living things, all that makes up life exists with consciousness. Its degree of awareness may vary, but all things are aware at some level.

The mind is seen as the faculty, the power of consciousness, that the brain emerges as the source of operation for the mind. Consciousness is in every atom of every cell of your physical form, not just your brain. Your mind may utilize the brain to carry out its transmission, but consciousness can be utilized by every cell of your body.

When your consciousness chose to enter physical dimension it passed through the octave of the mind to emerge here. This is to say, that as you lowered your vibration, you descended into the parameters of the mind and body. Who you are, your Spirit, is beyond these localized vibratory states. Your access is not limited by them. When you were born on this Earth, you took up an ego, a personality, that which defines you in your body and mind and the world presented to you. You operate, though, from Source which moves into these properties; thus, you can also move beyond them. On Earth, this is considered ascension, enlightenment. Yet, all you really are doing is accessing all of who you are in this present dimension. Becoming lucid, as it were, in a dream.

When you choose to only define yourself by your mind and body, but for this dialog, the mind, you limit how you perceive and act toward life and its events. You relegate and regulate your comprehensive abilities and presence to the confines of mind functionality. The mind is a beautiful creation and has its useful function. Yet, to define life or yourself by its limited capability to process consciousness, you will miss the greater amount of information moving through you that communicates all things at this present moment to you and as you.

Waiting to achieve higher percentage of brain function or even stimulating it with chemical and electrical compounds only serves to overuse the mind’s functionality. To interact with higher and greater streams of consciousness, learn to utilize all the tools given to you.

The mind has its own particular key tones that it functions within. Consciousness that does not match these key tones will be dismissed or not even recognized at all. Consciousness will pass through unobserved. What the mind does harness it creates its own loops, archives, routines, and systems how to decipher and define that information. The mind moves through different oscillations of vibration, as well, from very busy to very relaxed. In meditation when you “empty your mind,” (and the mind will keep you from trying to do so because you are used to defining yourself as the mind), you are actually stilling the mind activity and moving beyond those parameters to hear, access, and move your equilibrium into your vast Source consciousness. You rise above the state of your body and mind. In this state, no function of the mind, or any tool, is needed to process consciousness. All is comprehended. All questions are answered. Everything fits neatly in its Source pattern. You fit neatly into your Source pattern. Communication is instantaneous and synonymous. This experience can also happen in deep dreams. Here you have moved so deeply into shades of your unconscious that you resonate once again with your greater conscious Self. In waking or returning into the mind and body again, the boundaries of these forms can be felt. Just as the sound of the fan becomes noticeable in the room again, so does the humming of the function of your mind carry on its productive way. You will also begin to sense the vibrations and limitations of your mind identity from just the moment before. Become sensitive enough and the field of your mind can be sensed at any present state. Its signature key tones can be recognized and moved beyond at will. Meditation, dreams, and hypnotic states, while useful to accomplish this feat, are later not needed in this capacity.

Your existence, your identity, comes from Source consciousness. Though you reside in mind and body in this incarnation, you are not limited nor exist by these faculties. They merely create the matrix for your lifetime here. Understand this, and you can begin using your matrix as it was designed to serve you, with better effect, efficiency, and more appropriately.